Fin bot

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Make fast payments and use your own IBAN free of charge. And all of this happens fast, easy and secure.
Register with few easy steps.

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MyFin Functionalities

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Using MyFin mobile application you can receive and send money fast, easy and secure.

You can order transfers to accounts in Bulgaria and abroad.

In order to send money to a friend - you shall only choose him from your contact list and enter the amount. The transfer will be received immediately free of charge. Everything is fast and easy and in our ecosystem.

You can send and receive money only using a link. You can require funds from a friend or just make a transfer to your friend’s mobile number.

With MyFin you make payments in BGN, EUR, USD and GBP.


Your dashboard is a powerful way to manage everything in a tap.



You choose what type if card to use.

We offer various types of cards and you can choose how to pay:

Virtual - for your internet transactions. Make an application and the card will load immediately in your telephone.

Digital - for transactions via smartphone and smart watch, also as contactless ATM withdrawals. Apply for MyFin’s digital card free of charge and it will load in your phone ready for payments.

In case you wish to have a real card for all your payments and ATM withdrawals, we offer you one from a 100% biodegradable plastic.

Use the most convenient payment instrument and pay easily.



You can manage your accounts all by yourself 

MyFin gives you the opportunity to manage your accounts easily depending on your needs.
